Book Reviews

Crown of Midnight Review

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Crown of Midnight is the second book in Sarah J. Maas’ Throne of Glass series. After winning the competition and becoming the King’s Champion in Throne of Glass, Celaena had to follow the King’s orders and kill his enemies. Maas delivered another hit with no misses in sight! In the second book, Celaena was very busy: tricking the King to make him think she was killing people, trying to find out the King’s evil plans for Erilea, searching for answers regarding the rebel group in Rifthold, and…falling in love with Chaol.

Crown of Midnight teemed with intrigue, mysteries, romance, tension, jealousy, deceit, heartbreak, death, and…revelations. With the pressure of the ancient Queen Elena and Ellywe’s Princess Nehemia, Celaena had to decide whether or not she would finally rise up against the King of Adarlan and take action to protect Erilea. Throughout the entire book, Celaena struggled with this. She had already lost so much. She feared losing the last remaining people she cared for if she did publicly rebel against the King. However, after a horrific event, Celaena made her choice.

I thoroughly enjoyed Crown of Midnight. I loved that Dorian and Celaena found common ground and friendship once more. They weren’t meant to be together, but they were meant to be the best of friends. That much was clear. I also enjoyed the romantic moments between Chaol and Celaena. She needed a little happiness, and he gave that to her…for a short time. I know Chaol was the Captain of the Guard, but his loyalty to the King annoyed me. At least the King’s evil plans were revealed to Chaol. Now he can stop being irritating with all that (slightly) blind loyalty.

I loved the twist and turns that came with each mystery and revelation during Celaena’s search for answers. At each step of her investigation, Celaena discovers something new, and sometimes those discoveries hurt her. It wouldn’t be a Maas book without some emotional trauma. I was crushed after a particular character’s death. And it was even more distressing seeing Celaena grieve. However, Celaena’s switch to revenge monster mode was excellent. I loved seeing the fierce assassin come out to play.

The revelation of Dorian’s powers and Celaena’s real identity were incredible! I relished every little clue to Celaena’s heritage, and the reveal of her true form sent excited chills through my body. I look forward to learning more about her past and experiencing the legend that is…Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.

 I enjoyed Crown of Midnight and can’t wait to see the story and action reach a whole new level in the next book.

Book Reviews

The Assassin’s Blade Review

The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

A group of novellas by Sarah J. Maas tell the story of Celaena Sordothein before the events of Throne of Glass. Each short story in The Assassin’s Blade encompasses the events that led to Celaena distancing herself from the King of Assassins and her eventual sentence to Endovier.

I loved reading about Celaena’s life before she was taken prisoner and sent to the slave camp. The events described in the book present glimpses of who Celaena was behind her confident mask and the trauma she went through before even being captured. The new characters introduced in each story were also lovely because new storylines were created that I wanted to hear more about. Rolfe was undoubtedly an interesting character. I would love to see more interactions between him and Celaena. Ansel was another character that stood out to me since she was Celaena’s first real female friend and showed a new vulnerability in Celaena.

The Red Desert story may have been my favorite. Celaena always thought she was the best, but the Silent Assassins humbled her a little. It was a nice change. The training methods were intriguing, and the improvements Celaena made were noticeable later in the book. This brings me to my next point. Although they were separate stories, they all connected. The stories built on one another to lead to the betrayal that changed Celaena’s life forever.

Sam Cortland was an absolute treat. I am heartbroken that we won’t see him again in the series. I liked that the romance was enemies to lovers, at least from Celaena’s perspective. It wouldn’t have fit Celaena’s character to have her get along with her rival in the Assassin Guild from the beginning. The handful of romantic moments I got between Sam and Celaena was precious. I’m super upset that Maas didn’t give us more. The ending hurt me in every way. Why does Maas create these characters I love and then hurt them so bad that I feel their pain? I don’t appreciate it…but keep going, Sarah. I cried while reading the final story. My emotions were all over the place after it was revealed who betrayed Celaena.

I enjoyed The Assassin’s Blade because, as usual, Sarah J. Maas cast a spell on me and made me feel attached to her characters. I look forward to seeing how the effects from the events in this book come back later in the series.

Book Reviews

A Court of Silver Flames Review

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

So, I finally read the latest book in the ACOTAR series. It took me a while to work up the interest to read it because A Court of Silver Flames focuses on Nesta, a character I never liked in the series. However, ACOSF has changed my mind entirely about the misunderstood female fae. ACOSF was gorgeous. Nesta’s trauma and healing journey left me emotionally exhausted by the end of the book. I cried at least three times while reading.

One of my favorite parts (and one of the most heartbreaking) of ACOSF is finally seeing why Nesta was so quick to attack and push others away. Her self-loathing gave me some clarity on Nesta’s actions but also made me sympathize with her. The inner workings of her mind opened a new place in my heart for Nesta, which made her inner turmoil even more saddening. It was inspiring to see Nesta become a warrior, acknowledge her mistakes, and move past them. I was so proud of Nesta by the end of ACOSF.

Another favorite of mine was the friendship and sisterhood Nesta finds in two new characters, Gwyn and Emerie. It was nice to see Nesta loosen up and find true friendship. I loved that they gossiped and connected over smutty books. Their conversations and jokes with one another never failed to make me smile. Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie’s training to become Valkyries was amazing! I was full of pride seeing them anointed as full-fledged Valkyries. I can’t wait to see more of Gwyn, the fierce and musical sweetheart, and Emerie, the strong and teasing Illyrian, in future books.

Of course, I can’t review ACOSF without discussing Cassian and Nesta’s spicy relationship. Seeing a 500+ year-old Illyrian warrior nervous around a baby fae was hilarious. The banter between Nesta and Cassian always left a smile on my face. It was beyond entertaining to see two dominant characters meet their match. If you don’t like smut, this may not be the book for you because the sexual tension…and later activities will overwhelm you. The chemistry between Nesta and Cassian lit the pages on fire. But it wasn’t sex that made their relationship so intimate. The emotions Nesta finally revealed to Cassian made me love them as a couple. The moment they both let down their walls and opened up to each other was stunning. I love Nessian!

I had to mention a new favorite character from ACOSF… the House of Wind. Yes, a house. The House has a personality of its own, and I loved seeing how caring it was towards Nesta. My girl Nesta needed a friend to support her, and the House was the first. Sarah J. Maas is a genius. How she made me love a house…I will never understand.

I loved A Court of Silver Flames, and, as always, I recommend everyone read the ACOTAR series so you can experience the wonders, magic, and emotional rollercoaster that Sarah J. Maas has created.

Book Reviews

Throne of Glass Review

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

In the Throne of Glass, a young assassin sent to a vicious labor camp is chosen by the Crown Prince as his champion in a competition to be the King’s Assassin. This young woman has the chance to win her freedom and accepts, and her journey begins.

I’ve learned by now that Sarah J. Maas will never disappoint me. Throne of Glass was an absolute pleasure to read. From the first chapter, Maas sucked me into this new world filled with assassins, sarcasm, dreamy men, mysterious deaths, an evil King, and magic (Ironic since magic is banned in Adarlan). Throne of Glass is a book that makes someone stay up all night reading chapter after chapter, wanting to know what will happen next.

Celaena Sardothien must be one of my favorite book characters of all time. I loved her from the first moment she was introduced in the book. Her humor and sarcasm in the first pages of Throne of Glass pulled me in. As an assassin sent to a labor camp as a slave in Endovier to die, it’s expected that someone would lose their inner light, but Celaena never did. She survived when others perished within months and didn’t lose herself in the darkness. Celaena’s humor and witty remarks forced a smile on my face multiple times. I loved my sassy assassin. I also loved her inner strength and bold spirit. The ruthless duel between her and Cain (hate him) was tough to read, but Celaena’s will to keep fighting even when she was severely weakened made it all worth it. I can’t wait to learn more about her in the coming books! Her mysterious background before she became an assassin has me intrigued beyond belief.

Since Throne of Glass was written by Sarah J. Maas, it was not surprising to see some dreamy men in the book. The two love interests, Dorian and Chaol, could not have been more different. Dorian, Prince of Adarlan, was playful and flirty. Chaol, Captain of the Guard, was guarded (no pun intended) and distrustful…at first. Dorian fell for Celaena quickly, but Chaol took much longer to truly see Celaena for who she really was outside of being an assassin. Yes, Dorian was charming, and Chaol could be an asshole to Celaena sometimes, but I couldn’t help but love Chaol more. The connection between Chaol and Celaena seemed deeper than Dorian and Celaena. And Chaol doesn’t even kiss Celaena in Throne of Glass! I did have a love for Prince Dorian, and he will be an excellent king, but he wasn’t the right fit for Celaena. It was clear in the final duel between Celaena and Cain that Chaol understood her in a way that Dorian did not.

One of my favorite parts of Throne of Glass was the friendship between Celaena and Princess Nehemia. This is the dynamic duo I needed! Two badass women who rebel against authority and do it beautifully with attitude and grace. What could be better than that? Celaena needed a friend in the glass castle, and Nehemia was a perfect choice. I’m excited to see more of this duo in future books.

The competition itself was a little lackluster. The Tests could have been more exciting but the mysterious and brutal deaths of the champions made up for that. Beyond the fantastic characters, a dark creature was wreaking havoc in the castle. The deaths of the champions left me on edge. Maas is good at creeping me out using these scary and monstrous creatures. The fight between the monster and Celaena was a little bit of a letdown due to the buildup in previous chapters. However, it all came together in the final duel when Celaena must face an even bigger foe.

The underlining discussion about King Adarlan taking over all of Erilea and the banishment of magic is something I look forward to unpacking more in the following books. Obviously, magic is still present in their world, and I have a feeling it will be seen more as I go further into the series. I cannot wait!

I loved reading Throne of Glass. I would recommend it to anyone who has read the ACOTAR series or loves fantasy fiction. You will not want to miss out on this book!

Book Reviews

A Court of Frost and Starlight Review

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Once, again Sarah J. Maas delivers nothing but pure beauty and emotion in words. A Court of Frost and Starlight may be a novella, but it works perfectly into the series, bridging the gap between ACOWAR and future books. It is basically a holiday special since they celebrate the Winter Solstice much like you would celebrate Christmas. A constant characteristic throughout the entire novella is the warmth and love of family. After all these characters have been through in the war with Hybern, seeing them come together once more to celebrate and just be together was beautiful.

I love that the author gave us POV’s from not only Feyre but Rhysand, Mor, Nesta, and Cassian! Seeing into their internal struggles offers readers a small clue into what will happen later on. The absolute turmoil inside Nesta’s mind in ACOFAS is enough for me to forgive her attitude and want to see what happens to her in the next book. I like that we caught a glimpse into what happened to Mor that day Eris found her in the Autumn Court after her family hurt her. Sarah J. Maas gave only brief glimpses of what these other characters are dealing with, but those small moments excited me for the future.

I also love that while Feyre is struggling, she finds herself truly happy by the end of the book! She has been through so much that I think she needed the reprieve from the drama. Also… I can’t wait to see Feysand’s baby!!!!! I’m just so happy for my girl Feyre.

Side note: I find myself loving Elain more and more. I wasn’t expecting that at all.



Book Reviews

A Court of Wings and Ruin Review

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

I would first like to start by saying, I was not ready emotionally or mentally for the twists and turns of A Court of Wings and Ruin. Not ready at all. Just when I think I know where the story is going, Sarah J. Maas switches it up. This book was a perfect ending to the war with Hybern. If I had to describe ACOWAR in only a few words, they would be: Epic. Heartwrenching. Bittersweet.

Feyre was obviously her usual badass self, but in the first portion of the book, when she is in the Spring Court, the author shows the truly cunning aspects of Feyre’s character. And then, throughout the book, she was the one using every resource, intelligence, and power she had to win the war against Hybern. That strength she has is one of the many reasons Feyre has become one of my favorite characters ever.

Also, I will admit I didn’t hate Elain or Nesta this time around. I was never a fan of either of them…but ACOWAR made me see them a bit differently. I love how Elain is a seer, and Nesta has these crazy powerful abilities. Good for them. I’m excited to see where their stories go from here.

Of course, Rhys was the best mate ever, as usual. The fact that he is willing again and again to sacrifice himself for his family and people shows how selfless and amazing he is as a High Lord. I can’t wait to see more of him and Feyre in future books.

The final battle was epic in every way imaginable. Very Avengers: Endgame-esque. You will not want to put the book down.


Book Reviews

A Feast for Crows Review

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin 

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

I read the first three books of A Song of Ice and Fire a couple of years ago and after reading the fourth book I’m reminded why I didn’t immediately continue reading the series. It absolutely pains me to think I may never know what happens to the characters in Westeros. Of course this book only has POVs from Sansa, Arya, Jaime, Brienne, Samwell, Cersei, the dornish, and the iron born. So you don’t even know what’s happening with Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Varys, etc. But so much takes place in a matter of 684 pages!

Obviously the book was a freaking masterpiece. It was hard to put the book down at times because I just had to see when Cersei was going to get what she deserved from the sparrows, what would come of Arianne Martell’s schemes, and see what new twists will come from Brienne’s journey to find Sansa. I hate George for writing such a thrilling and addicting story… WHY, GEORGE?! WHY MUST YOU TORTURE ME? Will I read the fifth book? Of course. Will I be deeply depressed afterwards like I am now? Of course. Will we ever get the last two books? Not likely.