Book Reviews

Circe Review

Circe by Madeline Miller  

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

As a fan of Greek mythology, I am always excited to read a retelling of classic stories. Madeline Miller has given me an unforgettable gift, and I love this book with my entire being! I have heard of Circe obviously from the Odyssey, but being enveloped into her world and seeing the trials she has faced, I came to really love her as a character.

I loved seeing the author’s reasons why Circe became this powerful witch on Aiaia that transformed sailers into animals. I loved seeing Circe’s tale begin with her birth and continue until her final moments. I loved seeing her come into her powers. I loved that everything was not as it seemed when it came to her relationships with her family. Madeline Miller made me absolutely fall in love with Circe’s journey. I was so happy to see how the book ended.

Of course, it was interesting to read the tale of Odysseus’ time in Aiaia from Circe’s point of view, and seeing the son created from their time together was a great read. I loved the twist at the end involving Telemachus and Telegonus. While reading, I wished for more time with these characters to see Circe and Telemachus’ next chapter in life come to pass. But at least we got a glimpse of it!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Greek mythology and complex female character.


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